Tea Party Patriots



Friday, July 1, 2011

This or That? (Again!)

1. Would you rather be able to run 100 miles per hour or swim 100 miles per hour? Run. I like swimming a lot... but I like sports (soccer, hockey, football, etc) way better!
2. Would you rather have fangs or a tail? Um, fangs, I guess.
3. Would you rather have hair that grew an inch every day or fingernails that grew an inch every week? Hair, definately. Nails would be WAY too impractical--more than the hair.
4. Would you rather have to sing when you talk or dance when you walk? Hm... dance, I guess. But it would depend on what kind of dancing I would be doing.
5. Would you rather be able to kick a field goal or dunk a basketball? Totally kick a field goal all the way!!!!!!! No doubt about that--I absolutely love soccer!!!

1. Would you rather eat a chocolate hamburger or a strawberry pizza? Okay, a chocolate hamburger just sounds plain GROSS. As for the strawberry pizza... you would be surprised at all the different pizzas that can be made. I ate somewhere once where they had all kinds of pizzas--including 'dessert' pizzas: They were more like pies or pastries than pizzas. So, definately the strawberry pizza!
2. Would you rather eat only tacos for a month or only spaghetti? I love both, but in this case I'd choose tacos... there's way more variety in tacos than spaghetti!
3. Would you rather have a lunch in a library or a lake house? Library. I could eat and read at the same time--in peace and quiet, too! (I have 4 younger sisters. And for those of you who know Emma, well... =D).
4. Would you rather eat a salad with salsa on it or chips dipped in salad dressing? Well, a salad with salsa on it actually sounds pretty good... I might try that sometime! Chips dipped in salad dressing, however... yuck!
5. Would you rather have popcorn-flavored candy or candy-flavored popcorn at the movies? Candy-flavored popcorn, definately. Popcorn-flavored candy woulodn't even be worth eating... I like popcorn, but really only for the butter (or whatever else that's on it--caramel, chocolate, etc.) and the crunch (but especially for the flavoring)!

1. Would you rather go places in a helicopter or a limousine? Helicopter sounds cool... limousine sounds impractical. Besides, if I travelled in a helicopter I wouldn't ever have to wait in traffic!
2. Would you rather have a gymnastics trick or a constellation named after you? Constellation, definately--I love astronomy & looking for constellations at night. Gymnastics... well, I think it would be cool to be that flexible and have the ABILITY to do it--but I'm not exactly into all that. I'd much rather do a REAL sport!
3. Would you rather win an award for your acting performance or for a song you wrote? Acting, totally!
5. Would you rather own a toy store or a candy store? Hm... I'm not really sure. Probably a candy store.

1. Would you rather tell a joke to a parrot or to a laughing hyena? A laughing hyena maybe.
2. Would you rather meet a blue dog or a purple cat? Well, as I've already 'met' the Cheshire cat (1951), I guess I'd have to say a blue dog. Oh, wait--I think I've 'met' a blue dog before, too...
3. Would you rather be able to speak squirrel language or bird language? Um... well, squirrel, I guess.
5. Would you rather ride a giraffe or an ostrich? Ostrich! That would be sooo cool to ride the fastest bird on earth! Only better animal would probably be a cheetah...

1. Would you rather slide down a mountain on a plastic saucer or float down a river in a giant teacup? Um, both!!! But, if I had to choose, I'd pick the mountain.
2. Would you rather spend the night in a mall or in your school? Well, seeing as my school happens to be my house, I'd have to choose the mall. besides, in the mall there'd be PLENTY good places to sleep!
3. Would you rather find out that you were royal or magical? Of course, it would be cool to be both, depending on 'how' royal I am... I wouldn't want to be anybody too important--I wouldn't be able to do much of anything anymore! Choosing... magical--if it existed, which it doesn't.
4. Would you rather go to school in your pajamas or to the movies in a rabbit costume? Well, as I said before... my school is my house, so... Okay, okay, I'll pretend for a moment that I actually do GO to school. Well, I would rather go to school in my pajamas, but not the ones I have now... they're WAY too girly! (At least the t-shirt has a soccerball on it... but that's as good as it gets. The rest is all girly purple & yellow crowns... =\)
5. Would you rather slide down a super-long banister or swing from a jungle vine? Hm... slide down a super-long banister. I wonder how fast I could go? Hm... lol. And Mom says, "Now, don't get any ideas, Jess!!" Okay, not really... she doesn't even know this quiz exists, but she might say that if she read what I just said about how fast I could slide down the banister! =D


1 comment:

Jessy Jones said...

Sorry that some of this post is hard to read... but because of some problems I'm having with the blogger website, it would take me FOREVER (okay, maybe not literally) to fix it. You probably already know this, but if you come to a part you can't read because of the color, if highlight it you'll be able to read it. Thanks for understanding. =)
