Tea Party Patriots



Thursday, June 2, 2011

Almost Persuaded

This is a poem that I posted not too long ago, but I've noticed some (okay, a LOT of) spelling/gramatical typing erros (type-Os) in it. (I guess I was in kind of a hurry to type it in last time.) So, rather than changing it, I've decided to just re-post the poem, though I'm not going to include the introduction/explanation I gave on my last post. To read that, click here. So, here's the "updated" poem:
Almost Persuaded
Then Agrippa said unto Paul, Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian. And Paul said, I would to God, that not only thou, but also all that hear me this day, were both almost, and altogether such as I am, except these bonds. Acts 26:28-29

"Almost thou persuadest me to
be a Christian." King Agrippa said.
Why Agrippa? Why almost?
Why not all the way?
Why not, like Paul, completely there--
Why must "almost" you stay?

You know the prophets' words are true--
You believe without a doubt.
So why can't you be all the way?
Why at "almost" you choose to stay?

You have a choice, you know 'tis true.
Why must this choice be hard for you?
You know the prophets and their words,
You know the things from Paul you've heard
Are all true, completely proved.

Yet still you choose to say "almost"--
Don't you know you've now been lost?

You've chosen to reject the LORD--
Chose to ignore what you have heard.
You know this is your one last chance--
You've rejected Him before.

You now face hellfire at your death--
You've chosen to reject Him and
He'll plead with you no more.
God pleads, but will not beg--
He'll not nag at anyone.
He gave us a free will to choose--
This He'll not ignore.

He asked your final answer--
This you've given Him.
When you said to Paul "almost",
You really only told God "no"
For the last time--ever.

When in hell at last you plead
To be let in, to, please!, be freed!
You'll say to God, "I said 'almost'!
I believed your prophets and their words,
I knew the things from Paul I'd heard
Were true, and were all proved.
I said 'almost'--can this not do?"
God will reply with soft, sad, broken voice,
"You said 'almost'--this is true.
But now I say the same to you."
Dear reader, young or old,
Please remember what you've read.
Don't say "almost", or even "later"--
You may not have that chance.
You may live a hundred years more,
But maybe just a minute.
You never know how long 't'will be
Until you stand before your maker.

Remember now what you have heard,
Never, ever forget.
Lest from heav'n God must reply
To you, now scorched in hell,
"Almost" or "Not quite yet".

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