Tea Party Patriots



Saturday, January 30, 2010

Hillsdale College Constitution Town Hall

Hi everybody,
I just have a few minutes before the break ends and the second session comes on, but I wanted to let everybody know about this. As far as I know, you can still sign up for it. If you do, they are having problems with their browser, so if the page is having trouble loading, DO NOT REFRESH. Just wait till it comes up, and then you can watch the video.

Anyway, what I'm talking about is, I believe, a 5-session college course on the Constitution. The link is http://www.tvworldwide.com/events/hillsdale/100130/default.cfm?live=1&type=flv1. If you can't watch it or want to see whatever you missed, they said the video is going to be kept available on the website for a while, as well as being released as a DVD.

As far as I know, this is free, though I'm not sure why they had everyone sign up for it--maybe to see how many people were watching?

Anyway, it's back on. Bye!


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