Tea Party Patriots



Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A "Silly Sibling" Saying

Just now, there was something on my forehead. My little sister, Megan, age 6 (almost 7), saw it, and said, all serious-like, "Jessie, there's something on your brain."


P.S. She did correct herself after I started laughing, though. She did that all serious-like too, as if saying "brain" instead of "forehead" is a common mistake. =D

Timed Test

Starting Time: 16:04:13-approx. 16:20

Name: Jessika Nikole Pearson
Sisters: 4, all younger--Angela, Karissa, Emma, & Megan
Brothers: None =(
What are you wearing: Jean Skirt, T-shirt
Favorite number: 7
Favorite drink: Voltage Mountain Dew!!!

Favorite month: Um... January, maybe? Skiing! (And hopfully in the near future--snowboarding!)

Favorite breakfast: fruit & milk? Um, not mixed together... sorry if it sounds that way.

Love someone so much that it made you cry? haha, that's a silly question. (no offence to those that have)

Broken a bone? no
Been in a police car: no
Been on a boat: yes

Came close to dying: yes. The most recent time was when I when to Killington, Vermont in January 2010. I was skiiing at the Killington mountains (awesome!). I went up a little hill thing on the side of a trail to catch some speed (I was at a flat part in the trail, so I really needed it, too). When I got to the end of it, I somehow didn't turn right (to continue on the trail instead of down the cliff that was about 10ft from the bottom of the little hill thing), and I almost skiied right off the edge of the cliff! But I didn't, so I simply continued down the trail--with only a fraction of the speed I should have gotten from going up the little hill thing. =( lol

Been in a hot tub: yes
Swam in the ocean: yes
Fallen asleep in school: no
Cried when someone died: no
Fallen off your chair: not that I remember

***What is***
Your room like: um... shared with my sister?
Right next to you: a coffee table
The last thing you ate: breakfast bar & juice

***Ever Had***
Chicken pox: no
Sour throat: yes
Stitches: no

***Do You***
Like picnics: depends
Like school: yes

Who was the last person you danced with: I don't know how. :(
Who makes you smile: Alex

Who did you last yell at: Emma (8) & Megan (6)--yelling through the floor to the basement for them to come upstairs.

Do you like filling these out: yes
Do you like yourself: sometimes

***Final Questions***
What are you listening to: The music on my blog.

Do you hate anyone in your family: NO!!!!!! (This was Katie's answer, but I liked how she put it =D)

What do you wish to have: cell phone & ipod
Good singer: I'm not really sure.
Indoors or outdoors: Both

***Today did you***
Talk to someone you like: no, I don't like my family at ALL! Just kidding. OF COURSE!!! How can you not talk to someone you like when they, not only live with you, but (some) have the same BEDROOM as you! lol

Get sick: no
Sing: no
Miss someone: yes

***Last person who***
You talked to on the phone: Dad
Made you cry: Don't remember
Went to the mall with: The mall? What's that? lol

***Been to***
Europe: no
Asia: no
Russia: no
Bahamas: no
Mexico: no
Canada: yes
Africa: yes

What books are you reading right now: I accidentally got behind in my literature book (REALLY behind. I thought I was WAY further ahead than I really was), and I'm not allowed to read anything until I catch up, but the book I'm going to read next is "Green", Book 0 of The Circle Series by Ted Dekker (there's a book 1, 2, 3, & 0--he has an explaination in the books, so maybe I'll comment later and quote it for you), & the last one I have left to read in that series.

Best feeling in the world: hmm... probably flying down a ski slope at Killington! I'm not committed to that answer, though.

Future kids names: Whatever my husband's name is (plus II. =D) & Jason Andrew. I'm not sure about a girl's name, though.

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: No, but a have a few on/in my hope chest from when I was a little girl.

What is under you bed: A container with some stuff in it, a couple books (to be specific, "Black," "Red," & "White, books 1, 2, & 3, respectively, of The Circle Series.), & my cat (=D one of her favorite hiding places). Of course, there's also the carpet, the floor, the basement, the earth, etc. =P

Favorite location: Um... favorite LOCATION??? Some of these surveys/quizes/tags/etc have some pretty kooky questions (=D). I don't know my favorite location. I do know Katie's, though--Outer Banks, North Carolina!!! =D Ironic, huh? lol. Of course, it kinda helped that she talked about it ALL the time!

Who do you hate: If you hate in your heart it is as good as killing them...so no one. (This was Katie's answer too, but, again, I liked the way she put it. Of course, there is the Devil, though--I think it's okay to hate him. =D)

Do you have a job: no, but I might have one (sort-of) this winter--I think dad's thinking of letting me teach kids how to ski at Bear Creek.

Are you lonely: Lonely??? How in the world can you be lonely in a house with 4 little sisters???? (and a mom & dad, of course) Well, I guess it's possible, because I am sometimes. But at the moment? Not really.

Time finished: 19:21:22-19:35:19

Time Explaination (I added this): The reason I have 2 times for both start and finish is because I had to stop for a while. So the second time for the start time is the time that I stopped for a while, and the first time for the finish time is the time that I started again. As for the numbers themselves, it's (obviously) hour:minute:second. The hour is written in military time, so to find the normal time, subtract twelve from the hour.


Silly Survey

I got this survey from Katie's blog & Angela's blog.

1. What color are your socks right now? None... I hate socks! Well, not really... I'd just MUCH rather be barefoot.

2. What are you listening to right now? Well, I'm watching the 1999 version of Heidi with my 8-year-old sister, Emma. Does that count?

3. What was the last thing you ate? Ring bologna.

4. Can you drive a stick shift? Well, I don't have a license (or permit) yet (I'm only 15... and a half =D), but I did drive one (sort-of) when I was about 5 years old. I sat on my mom's lap & she controlled the gas, brakes, etc. But I steered! lol.

5. Last person you spoke to on the phone? Dad on my mom's cell phone--I don't have my own phone, so I'm not on the phone much.

6. Do you like the person who sent this to you? (I'm assuming this question is NOT talking about boyfriend/girlfriend) Well, no one sent it to me (yes, I admit it--I "stole" it. Forgive please? =P), but I'm friends with Katie. Angela is just my little sister, so I don't really like her at all, but I definately like Katie!

7. How old are you today? Exactly? 15 years, 6 months, 14 days. =D

8. What's your favorite sport to watch on TV? Soccer!!! (I'm not including the Olympics--otherwise, I don't think I'd EVER be able to choose my favorite!)

9. What is your favorite drink? Voltage Mountain Dew!!!

10. Have you ever dyed your hair? Well, I had redish highlights put in one time, but other than that, no. My parents would rather me not for various reasons. But if I could, I'd die it red!

11. Favorite food? Well, um...

12. What is the last movie you watched? Short Circuit

13. Favorite day of the year? Day???? I could understand time of year, or even month, but DAY??? The idea never even occurred to me to have a favorite day of the year... until now, that is. Maybe Fourth of July or Veterans' Day. Or maybe my birthday!!! LOL

14. How do you vent anger? Um... it depends, I guess, on the situation/circumstances & the people I'm with. I'm not really sure. If you want to find out, then make me mad! =D

15. What was your favorite toy as a child? Um, I think it was my stuffed animals. No. No, it was my cat (kitten at the time)--I liked to dress her up in doll cloths & pet her a lot. I always (well, probably not ALWAYS, but most of the time) nice to her (well, what I thought was nice. I did realize when I was about 5 or 6 that cats don't exactly like to be dressed up in doll cloths & put in doll strollers all the time, and stopped. Sort-of. =D

16. What is your favorite season? Winter. But spring isn't that far behind!

17. Cherries or blueberries? Blueberries!!! Especially frozen!

18. Living situation? In our own home. I share a room with my sister, Angela.

19. When was the last time you cried? Um... Oh, I don't know. I'm not really the crying type.

20. What is on the floor of your closet right now? My shoes (by the way, that's where they belong), and Angela's cloths (they are NOT where they belong!).

21. What did you do last night? Ate (of course), got a shower, and went to sleep (of course).

22. Plain, cheese, or spicy hamburgers? It depends... I like all 4, and & can't choose 1!

23. Favorite dog breed? Husky.

24. Favorite day of the week? Sunday!

25. How many states have you lived in? If that counts trips & vacations & such, then I've lived in about 8, maybe more, as well as South Africa. Not including trips & vacations, I've lived in 1.

26. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds.

27. What is your favorite flower? Probably a rose.


Country Quiz

thx 4 tagin me baby sis!!! *laughing hysterically* :P :P :P

1. Do a quick post about the person that tagged you saying thanks.
2. Answer the 10 questions
3. Follow 3 new blogs and list them.
4. Tag 6 people.
5. Challenge one person to do something fun or crazy.

1: Have you ever been to a rodeo? no, but I've watched many on TV.

2: Have you ever tried to ride a cow? yes. I don't remember it, but my Pappy helped me ride one of his when I was about 2 or 3. I have a picture to prove it, too! =)

3: Have you ever milked a cow or goat? yes

4: Have you ever been to a Demolition Derby? yes--my Pappy was a driver, and so we went to see him. I think it was kinda cool--what I saw of it (we left almost as soon as we got there, but don't ask me why--I don't know. I was only about 6 maybe).

5: What is your favorite Country song? As if anyone could answer that--I like too many, though I could list a few favorites if you want... If you want me to list some favorites, comment on this post & I'll do so.

6: Do you like to hunt? Well, I would if I could... there ain't no-one to learn me to do it. (yes, I did that on purpose, in case it wasn't already obvious. =D)

7: Have you ever cooked your breakfast over an open fire in your backyard? not breakfast, dinner (sortof--just hotdogs (yuk! unless they're cold, then they're ok--there's something you probably didn't know about me!))

8: Have you ever thought that the muck was shallow and when you stepped in it, you sank knee deep? I don't think so--though I have stepped in knee-deep muck before.

9: What is the hardest thing you have ever done? Um... I'm not sure. Of course, I'm sure it doesn't help that my mind just went blank at the asking of this question. =D

10: (The question is optional) What's one of your most embarrassing moments? Same answer as for #9. I guess I don't really get embarrassed easily--not that that matters in some cases, I know.

By the way, if anyone wants to tell about an embarrassing moment of mine that they know about, or about what they think could be the hardest thing I've ever done, then go ahead! But please, no fake stories--for either question. If you want to tell an embarrassing story of your own, then go ahead and do that as well! =)

Nay's Thoughts
The Giggling Gauglers
A Preacher's Wife


I challenge Angela (ya, you sis) to touch Alex's pet snake. (Not that I think it's crazy... but SHE does. =D)


Thursday, March 18, 2010

A Letter to Christian Young Men

This is something Christian young ladies should read as well. It doesn't use the KJV, and I may not agree with EVERYTHING, but it's still REALLY good! I especially liked the part about purity. Click here to read the letter. I also added a poll about this--I'm curious to see what everyone's opinion of it is. So if you read the letter, please vote as well!
