Tea Party Patriots



Wednesday, April 11, 2012

American Trucker for a Week

a company's driveway; on our way out after picking up a load of sand in Rhode Island

So my dad has been a printer all his life -- since he was 15 years old, when he helped a friend out in his shop. But back August, after over 20 years in the printing business, he got laid off, and was having trouble finding another job. Printing, after all, isn't exactly on the rise. However, trucking is. So he managed to get the necessary training and now has a job with TMC. After working with them for about three months, he's now able to bring each of us (three of my four sisters and I, as the youngest is one year too young according to the company's rules) with him, one at a time. Because of his schedule, each turn will be about a week long, sometimes two. I, being the oldest, got the first turn the last week of March. It was an easy week, so it was actually more like three days, but I still had a great time. Because of the schedule, I'm sure all of us will eventually have half-weeks and two weeks and everything inbetween -- we just never know!

Anyway, I posted a few Facebook statuses that I think summed up my trip pretty well, so I'll copy them (rather than trying to describe my trip all over again, especially since I'm not exactly very good at it). Of course, the picture wasn't part of any of them, but it looks good in the blogger post. =) My dad took both the photos in this post.

So just found I'm gonna go with Dad in the semi THIS WEEK. TODAY. IN LESS THAN TWO HOURS. Epicly awesome! Needless to say, I'm excited. ;) Now I gotta go get packed...

Love trucking! =D Okay, minus tarping that load, ugh... like three guys in a row finished before we did. One guy pulled up, strapped & tarped his load in 10 MINUTES. It took us 2 HOURS. Our load was kinda odd-shaped, but still. -_- Other than that... AWESOME!!! We didn't actually go into Canada, but we did eat at Pizzaria Uno about a half hour from Quebec. Mmmmmmm. A couple older French guys sat at the table next to us. We walked around Long Island City in NYC for like an hour Thursday night looking for somewhere to eat. It wasn't even 6 yet, but everything was closing, and we ended up having to eat at an Irish bar & pub. -_- It wasn't too bad though, there weren't many people there and the food was pretty good. They had a soccer game on and we watched about the last half hour. Don't tell mom... pretty much all I drank all week was Mountain Dew, and I mostly had pie & Dorritos & Starbursts -- if anything -- for breakfast & lunch. ;) Trucking was awesome, I can't wait for my next turn. =D

sunrise from a little street in Long Island City, NYC, where we spent the night in the truck

Monday - Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut
Tuesday - Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New York
Wednesday - New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania
Thursday - Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York
Friday - New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania

Yes, of course we love New Yuck traffic -- that's why we went there every day. lol

Has anyone ever noticed that Peterbilt is missing the "u" in "built"? I just noticed that this week lol

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