Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Day 2: A Favorite Movie
I couldn't choose just ONE favorite to post, so here's FIVE favorites instead. Listed listed in no particular order:
Karate Kid
A Knight's Tale
The Count of Monte Cristo
Prince of Persia
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Earthquake in PA?: Update
I've gained some new information about the earthquake via a variety of online & newspaper news articles. The earthquake tremors were apparently felt all the up to Toronto and all the down to Atlanta. Also, it was recorded as a 5.8 magnitude, rather than 5.9. According to mcall.com, the U.S. Geological Survey shows that the largest earthquake in central Virginia was a 4.8 magnitude in 1845.
Matthew 24:7 "For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places." (emphasis added)
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Earthquake in PA?
Right now, I'm in Allentown area, Pennsylvania. And I just felt a small earthquake. WOW. Apparently, the earthquake had a magnitude of 5.9, with it's epicenter in Virginia, and it's vibrations felt all the way from Virginia to Boston, Massachusetts (according to mcall.com). This was the first time I've ever felt an earthquake. It only lasted a few seconds, but it's amazing how fast you can think--I was sitting here, at my computer, when I heard a small creak (which I didn't pay attention to, because our house will creak a little every now and then from the wind), and then the table starting shaking. I thought that was strange, but didn't pay attention for a second. But then it kept shaking, and my so was the screen of my laptop. So then I was like, "What in the world?" For some crazy reason, I thought it was a really hard gust of wind that was shaking the house. Yah, makes perfect sense. Anyway, then I realized it wasn't even storming, so that didn't make any sense. Then the thought occured to me the maybe it's an... no, an earthquake? Here? I mean, even just to feel the vibrations of an earthquake. So I looked around to see if anything really permanent was moving, or if I was going nuts & was shaking the table myself. The ceiling fans are shaking... okay, that doesn't really count--ceiling fans aren't exactly the most stable items. I looked at my cat in the armchair for a minute. She didn't look too distressed. But then I noticed the windows were shaking (we have the kind that open kind of like a door, and ours were open at the moment). Okay, so I'm not nuts. Maybe it was the edge of an earthquake? Well, it's stopped now, anyway. Maybe I'll ask mom or dad about it when they get home. Or maybe it'll be on the news. Of course, I'm still thinking, Here? But, it happened. I guess a lot of unusual things have been happening lately. Welcome to the beginning of the end times.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Day 1: A Favorite Song
Okay, finally, here's a favorite song. This actually might be my favorite song. Angela showed it to me a little while ago, and I thought it was just excellent. Enjoy! =D
Saturday, July 9, 2011
The 30 Day Challenge
Day 1: A favorite song.
Day 2: A favorite movie.
Day 3: A favorite book.
Day 4: A favorite television program.
Day 5: A favorite quote.
Day 6: A moment you wish you could relive.
Day 7: Five things you couldn't possibly live without.
Day 8: A thank you letter to someone who has changed your life.
Day 9: A photo you took.
Day 10: A photo of you taken over ten years ago.
Day 11: A photo of you taken recently.
Day 12: A song that you want played at your wedding (or was played).
Day 13: A guilty pleasure.
Day 14: A vacation you would like to take.
Day 15: A person you admire.
Day 16: A song that makes you cry.
Day 17: An art piece.
Day 18: A time when you felt passionate and alive.
Day 19: A talent of yours.
Day 20: A hobby of yours.
Day 21: Somthing you know you do differently than most people.
Day 22: A website.
Day 23: A way in which you want to be remembered.
Day 24: A movie no one would expect you to love.
Day 25: A recipe.
Day 26: A childhood memory.
Day 27: A physical feature you love.
Day 28: A scar you have and it's story.
Day 29: Hopes, dreams, and plans you have for the next 365 days.
Day 30: A motto or philosophy.
Friday, July 1, 2011
This or That? (Again!)
1. Would you rather be able to run 100 miles per hour or swim 100 miles per hour? Run. I like swimming a lot... but I like sports (soccer, hockey, football, etc) way better!
2. Would you rather have fangs or a tail? Um, fangs, I guess.
3. Would you rather have hair that grew an inch every day or fingernails that grew an inch every week? Hair, definately. Nails would be WAY too impractical--more than the hair.
4. Would you rather have to sing when you talk or dance when you walk? Hm... dance, I guess. But it would depend on what kind of dancing I would be doing.
5. Would you rather be able to kick a field goal or dunk a basketball? Totally kick a field goal all the way!!!!!!! No doubt about that--I absolutely love soccer!!!
1. Would you rather eat a chocolate hamburger or a strawberry pizza? Okay, a chocolate hamburger just sounds plain GROSS. As for the strawberry pizza... you would be surprised at all the different pizzas that can be made. I ate somewhere once where they had all kinds of pizzas--including 'dessert' pizzas: They were more like pies or pastries than pizzas. So, definately the strawberry pizza!
2. Would you rather eat only tacos for a month or only spaghetti? I love both, but in this case I'd choose tacos... there's way more variety in tacos than spaghetti!
3. Would you rather have a lunch in a library or a lake house? Library. I could eat and read at the same time--in peace and quiet, too! (I have 4 younger sisters. And for those of you who know Emma, well... =D).
4. Would you rather eat a salad with salsa on it or chips dipped in salad dressing? Well, a salad with salsa on it actually sounds pretty good... I might try that sometime! Chips dipped in salad dressing, however... yuck!
5. Would you rather have popcorn-flavored candy or candy-flavored popcorn at the movies? Candy-flavored popcorn, definately. Popcorn-flavored candy woulodn't even be worth eating... I like popcorn, but really only for the butter (or whatever else that's on it--caramel, chocolate, etc.) and the crunch (but especially for the flavoring)!
1. Would you rather go places in a helicopter or a limousine? Helicopter sounds cool... limousine sounds impractical. Besides, if I travelled in a helicopter I wouldn't ever have to wait in traffic!
2. Would you rather have a gymnastics trick or a constellation named after you? Constellation, definately--I love astronomy & looking for constellations at night. Gymnastics... well, I think it would be cool to be that flexible and have the ABILITY to do it--but I'm not exactly into all that. I'd much rather do a REAL sport!
3. Would you rather win an award for your acting performance or for a song you wrote? Acting, totally!
5. Would you rather own a toy store or a candy store? Hm... I'm not really sure. Probably a candy store.
1. Would you rather tell a joke to a parrot or to a laughing hyena? A laughing hyena maybe.
2. Would you rather meet a blue dog or a purple cat? Well, as I've already 'met' the Cheshire cat (1951), I guess I'd have to say a blue dog. Oh, wait--I think I've 'met' a blue dog before, too...
3. Would you rather be able to speak squirrel language or bird language? Um... well, squirrel, I guess.
5. Would you rather ride a giraffe or an ostrich? Ostrich! That would be sooo cool to ride the fastest bird on earth! Only better animal would probably be a cheetah...
1. Would you rather slide down a mountain on a plastic saucer or float down a river in a giant teacup? Um, both!!! But, if I had to choose, I'd pick the mountain.
2. Would you rather spend the night in a mall or in your school? Well, seeing as my school happens to be my house, I'd have to choose the mall. besides, in the mall there'd be PLENTY good places to sleep!
3. Would you rather find out that you were royal or magical? Of course, it would be cool to be both, depending on 'how' royal I am... I wouldn't want to be anybody too important--I wouldn't be able to do much of anything anymore! Choosing... magical--if it existed, which it doesn't.
4. Would you rather go to school in your pajamas or to the movies in a rabbit costume? Well, as I said before... my school is my house, so... Okay, okay, I'll pretend for a moment that I actually do GO to school. Well, I would rather go to school in my pajamas, but not the ones I have now... they're WAY too girly! (At least the t-shirt has a soccerball on it... but that's as good as it gets. The rest is all girly purple & yellow crowns... =\)
5. Would you rather slide down a super-long banister or swing from a jungle vine? Hm... slide down a super-long banister. I wonder how fast I could go? Hm... lol. And Mom says, "Now, don't get any ideas, Jess!!" Okay, not really... she doesn't even know this quiz exists, but she might say that if she read what I just said about how fast I could slide down the banister! =D
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Almost Persuaded
Then Agrippa said unto Paul, Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian. And Paul said, I would to God, that not only thou, but also all that hear me this day, were both almost, and altogether such as I am, except these bonds. Acts 26:28-29
"Almost thou persuadest me to
be a Christian." King Agrippa said.
Why Agrippa? Why almost?
Why not all the way?
Why not, like Paul, completely there--
Why must "almost" you stay?
You know the prophets' words are true--
You believe without a doubt.
So why can't you be all the way?
Why at "almost" you choose to stay?
You have a choice, you know 'tis true.
Why must this choice be hard for you?
You know the prophets and their words,
You know the things from Paul you've heard
Are all true, completely proved.
Yet still you choose to say "almost"--
Don't you know you've now been lost?
You've chosen to reject the LORD--
Chose to ignore what you have heard.
You know this is your one last chance--
You've rejected Him before.
You now face hellfire at your death--
You've chosen to reject Him and
He'll plead with you no more.
God pleads, but will not beg--
He'll not nag at anyone.
He gave us a free will to choose--
This He'll not ignore.
He asked your final answer--
This you've given Him.
When you said to Paul "almost",
You really only told God "no"
For the last time--ever.
When in hell at last you plead
To be let in, to, please!, be freed!
You'll say to God, "I said 'almost'!
I believed your prophets and their words,
I knew the things from Paul I'd heard
Were true, and were all proved.
I said 'almost'--can this not do?"
God will reply with soft, sad, broken voice,
"You said 'almost'--this is true.
But now I say the same to you."
Dear reader, young or old,
Please remember what you've read.
Don't say "almost", or even "later"--
You may not have that chance.
You may live a hundred years more,
But maybe just a minute.
You never know how long 't'will be
Until you stand before your maker.
Remember now what you have heard,
Never, ever forget.
Lest from heav'n God must reply
To you, now scorched in hell,
"Almost" or "Not quite yet".
Saturday, January 15, 2011
The 30 Day Challenge
Sorry everyone--especially if you've been waiting for me to post. I've been pretty busy lately & COMPLETELY forgot about this! So, I'm just going to post a few every day I get the chance to until I've completed the challenge. I'm going on a trip for about a week soon, and there's certain other days I probably won't get a chance to get on here, so it'll be pretty sporadic, but I'll finish it eventually. Maybe next year I'll do it again--only the way it's supposed to be done! Well, here goes... =D
Almost Persuaded
Then Agrippa said unto Paul, Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian. And Paul said, I would to God, that not only thou, but also all that hear me this day, were both almost, and altogether such as I am, except these bonds. Acts 26:28-29
"Almost thou hast persuadest me to
be a Christian." King Agrippa said.
Why Agrippa? Why almost?
Why not all the way?
Why not, like Paul, completely there--
Why must "almost" you stay?
You know the prophets' words are true--
You believe without a doubt.
So why can't you be all the way?
Why at "almost" you choose to stay?
You have a choice, you know 'tis true.
Why must this choice be hard for you?
You know the prophets and their words,
You know the things from Paul you've heard
Are all true, completely proved.
Yet still you choose to say "almost"--
Don't you know you've now been lost?
You've chosen to reject the LORD--
Chose to ignore what you have heard.
You know this is your one last chance--
You've rejected Him before.
You now face hellfire at you're death--
You've chosen to reject Him and
He'll plead with you no more.
God pleads, but will not beg--
He'll not nag at anyone.
He gave us a free will to choose--
This He'll not ignore.
He asked you're final answer--
This you've given Him.
When you said to Paul "almost,"
You really only told God "No"
For the last time--ever.
When in hell at last you plead
To be let in, to, please!, be freed!
You'll say to God, "I said 'almost'!
I believed your prophets & their words,
I knew the things from Paul I'd heard
Were true, and were all proved.
I said 'almost'--can this not do?"
God will reply with soft, sad, broken voice,
"You said 'almost'--this is true.
But now I say the same to you."
Dear reader, young or old,
Please remember what you've read.
Don't say "almost," or even "later--
You may not have that chance.
You may live a hundred years more,
But maybe just a minute.
You never know how long 'twill be
Until you stand before you maker.
Remember now what you have heard,
Never ever forget.
Lest from heav'n God must reply
To you, now scorched in hell,
"Almost" or "Not quite yet."