Tea Party Patriots



Wednesday, June 30, 2010

This or That?

1. Would you rather be able to run 100 miles per hour or swim 100 miles per hour? Run... that's more useful when playing soccer. =D
2. Would you rather have fangs or a tail? Um, could I just have both?
3. Would you rather have hair that grew an inch every day or fingernails that grew an inch every week? Hair... fingernails would definately be much more of a hastle!
4. Would you rather have to sing when you talked or dance when you walked? Hmm. Dance, I guess.
5. Would you rather be able to kick a field goal or dunk a basket ball? Field goal, DEFINATELY!!!

1. Would you rather eat a chocolate hamburger or a strawberry pizza? YUCK! Probably the strawberry pizza. Maybe.
2. Would you rather eat only tacos for a month or only spaghetti? Probably spaghetti.
3. Would you rather have lunch in a library or a lake house? Lake house.
4. Would you rather eat a salad with salsa on it or chips dipped in salad dressing? Salad w/ salsa. I'm actually not sure that would taste all that bad. Maybe I'll try it sometime.
5. Would you rather have popcorn-flavored candy, or candy-flavored popcorn at the movies? Candy-flavored popcorn, definately!

1. Would you rather go places in a helicopter or a limousine? Helicopter! That definately sounds like more fun!
2. Would you rather have a gymnastics trick or a constellation named after you? Hmm... probably the constellation. That'll last longer, anyway, and, besides, I love astronomy, so that would definately be more fitting.
3. Would you rather win an award for your acting performance or for a song you wrote? Acting perfomance, DEFINATELY!!! Although a song I wrote wouldn't be bad either.
4. Would you rather like on a houseboat or in a penthouse? Hm, that's a hard one. The house boat. Less people=more sleep at night, as far as noises go! And I wouldn't mind the rocking either--I don't get seasick or anything like that.
5. Would you rather own a toy store or a candy store? I'm really not sure.

1. Would you rather tell a joke to a parrot or to a laughing hyena? Interesting... Maybe a parrot?
2. Would you rather meet a blue dog or a purple cat? Weird. What difference does it make?
3. Would you rather play patty-cake with a monkey or go skating with a gorilla? Skating.
4. Would you rather be able to speak squirrel language or bird language? Hmm again. Probably a squirrel.
5. Would you rather ride a giraffe or an ostrich? Ostrich. I could race it! But I guess a giraffe might be cool, too.

1. Would you rather slide down a mountain on a plastic saucer or float down a river in a giant teacup? Slide down a mountain on a plastic saucer. That sould like a lot of fun! Speed--here I come!
2. Would you rather spend the night in a mall or in your school? Well, since my school is my home (I'm homeschooled), a night a the mall might be interesting.
3. Would you rather find out that you were royal or magical? Although it doesn't exist, magical. Of course, royal would be neat too, but I think magical would be better. I guess it would depend in either case, though.
4. Would you rather go to school in your pajamas or to the movies in a rabbit costume? School in pajamas. The rabbit costume would probably be way too hot & uncomfortable!
5. Would you rather slide down a super-long banister or swing from a jungle vine? Swing from a jungle vine.

Anyone that wants to, take the quiz! This would be a fun group activity, too. Let me know if you take it (if you want to)... it'd be fun to see your answers, too! Have fun!


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