Tea Party Patriots



Friday, April 2, 2010

Taken Tag

No one tagged me on this one... I "stole" it again... from Katie again. Sorry Katie. But then, I know you don't mind, do you? =D

Anyway, here's the tag:

~What's Your Favorite~
Color? Black, blue, red, or yellow, or a mix. Of course, if your talking symbolism... Red, White, & Blue!!!!!!!!!!
Main dish? Um... Cheeseburger Pasta, maybe? I'm really not sure at all. AT ALL.
Dessert? Um...
Drink? Has anyone realized that this question has been on EVERY tag I've done so far? I'm not kidding--EVERY ONE. And, of course, I've put the same answer EVERY time: Voltage Mountain Dew!!!
Veggie? Corn?

~Do You~
Go to Starbucks Coffee Shop? yes
Go to the mall a lot? no
Talk on the phone everyday to someone who is not family? Well, I don't have my own phone. Yet. =( But if I did, I probably would! Well, maybe not EVERY day, but most days, definately!!!
Read you Bible everyday? Well, I can't honestly say I read it EVERY day... I don't think anyone can really say that! But I do try... unfortunately, only most of the time, though.
Do lots of reading? YES!!!
See your grandparents everyday? Unfortunately, no. They either live too far away, or are busy all the time! (Except mom's mom, but she lives 3 hours away--farther than anyone else--but, ironically, we see her the most! (versus our other relatives who, generally, live about 30 minutes-an hour away.))
Bake a lot? No, but I think I might if I had a reason to.
Clean your room everyday? Well, yes, of course! =D
Have to say your sorry to someone everyday? Well, no, not EVERY day. What is it with these 'everyday' questions, anyway??? Enough of those already!!! =P

~A Certain Thing You Dislike of Each Category~
Veggie? Stinky feet, aka brussels sprouts!
Color? Well this is a silly question--I don't dislike any color!!! Well, except pink--not the biggest fan.
Drink? Unsweetened ice tea.
Animal? Can't think of any... I don't think I really dislike any animal--though some can by very pesky sometimes! aka BUGS!!! lol

~Do You Have A~
Pet? Yes!!! MY cat, Torri! And a frog (1 died--miss nobody put a thing in the tank that killed it. The ball thing just went right through the lid without any evidence of doing so... ya, right! lol), and ants!
Gift card at the moment? no
Sewing machine? Um, does my mom's count? She has two, but one was a figt, and the one I like better, she doesn't really like at all. (Actually, that's pretty normal--for the most part, if I like something, especially if I REALLy like it, she doesn't, & vice versa. LOL)
Big mess under your bed? No! Of course not!
Pack of gum in your bag or purse? Nope.
Computer in your room? Yes! My laptop!

~Have You Ever~
Been on a plane? yes
Been out of state? yes
Been out of the country? yes
Been in an eight-teen wheeler? yes
Been in a car accident? I think mom was in one when she was pregnant with me (does that count???) Other than that, no.
Read about a hundred and fifty page book in about an hour? yes

~Your Favorite Place To~
Go shopping? Shopping? What's shopping? Isn't that where people go and come back all tired & grumpy??? lol. Actually, I don't really think it's THAT bad, it depends on what I'm shopping for--I just had that thought and thought it was kind-of funny. Anyway, the answer to that question would be Kohls, or maybe Pebbles.
Eat out? Fast food: McDonalds. Eat-in: Italian (basically any Italian restaurant--Italiano Delight, Carabba's, Olive Garden), Shady Maple, Chuck E. Cheese... I think that's it.
Go visit? Grandma's (mom's mom) house!!! And, of course, various historical sites & vacation areas--if that can be considered visiting.
Read a good book at? I used to climb up to the top of a tall pine tree in our front yard, but I'm not allowed to anymore (due to a telephone line). There's also a little thing we call "The Plataeu" that's near our house that I like to read at--I'm not sure what it really is, though.

What color is your room? If that means the walls, they're a cream color (same as when we moved in--not my choice). If that means the main color in my room, that would have to be a neutral-colored wood--again, that's just what we happen to have.
Do you share a room with anyone? *Ugh*, yes--a messy sister that throws her cloths not only on the floor of HER side of the closet, but MINE as well! lol
Have you ever went swimming in a pond? yes
How old are you? Exactly? 15 years, 6 months, 3 weeks, 2 days. In case you haven't noticed by now, I like being exact.
What year were you born? Hm, I wonder. Can't you figure that out from the previous question??? lol. 1994
Are you related to anyone important or famous? There's a bunch of possablities (according to last names & such), but we don't have any real proof. YET! Anccestry.com is my friend!!! lol
Have you ever met a vice president? yes, I think so--whoever was vice president under President George W. Bush. (I don't remember who it was at the moment.)
Are you getting bored yet? No! Of course not! I LOVE filling out tags/surveys/quizes/etc. like this!
What are you thinking? I'm thinking, "What am I thinking?" How about you, after reading that question??? lol

~Who You Will Tag~
Everyone I can think of!!!
Katie (yes, I got it from your blog, but you did it a long time ago, and you said you like doing these things--especially when your bored from reading a Ms. Angela-recommended book (;P), so go ahead and fill'er out again!)
Angela (my sis)
Ms. Angela
And it comes to a grand total of 23!



-JM. said...

Hi Jessika, thanks for leaving a comment on my blog too! I think everyone loves comments, well, as long as they're nice! haha

By the way, I like the way your name is spelled. You're the first person I've met who spells it like that.

I know what you mean about 'being a cowgirl at heart'. I just got into horses about 2 years ago, before that only being able to dream about them. That's cool that your grandma has horses! Maybe you'll be able to get involved with them one day. Go ahead and take the quote from the bottom, I 'stole' it from another blog myself.

I already have that one, or had, I don't remember. I'm constantly changing my playlist.

I'm not an extremely religious person, but I am a Christian.

I look forward to reading more of your posts!


-JM. said...

I've always hated my name; it's just too common. But, hey, once you get one, you're stuck with it!

You should've kept at the lessons! The ground work can be really boring, but you have to know it first. How many lessons did you take?

I have no idea what kind of Christian I am. I don't even go to church.

Yep, I have Facebook. I hope this link works:


-JM. said...

That many lessons and no actual riding??? Whoa, that's crazy! You should look around for another barn or something if you can get back into it.

I added your family's Facebook page, I hope that's okay. Maybe if we exchanged e-mails, it would be easier than going through comments on here like this? Haha.

You're not annoying me, I'm just, er, uneducated on it? My parents don't go to church, so I don't go. My dad went to a little country Friends church and my mom went to a Baptist church [when they were kids]. I was always just told that I was Christian. I honestly don't know what I believe.

Curiosity killed the cat. Hahaha, sorry, had to say it.

I've never been skiing, but I have sort of snowboarded a couple years. That's cool that you do, and that you're going to learn to snowboard! Well, they say everyone out there has a twin...haha.

Julia said...

Here is the link you asked for: http://raycomfortfood.blogspot.com/.

The thing you want should be on the blog somewhere. If you can't find it let me know.

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I am hosting a giveaway you might be interested in. www.committingmyway.blogspot.com
